
Wendy's Auto Wrecking Blog

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Wendy's Auto Wrecking Blog

Hello! Welcome to my new blog. My name is Wendy and the thing I find most exciting in life is auto wrecking. It might sound strange but I have always loved taking things apart. When I was a kid we had to watch an educational film at school about the auto business. It was pretty dull until they got to the part in which the workers took the cars apart, stripped them of all the useful bits and then squashed them into tiny little blocks. I'm not a professional, but I have learnt all you can about auto wrecking, so I decided to start this blog. Enjoy!


Latest Posts

4 Questions To Ask Your Auto Wrecker
9 September 2021

An auto wrecker is an ideal choice when you need a

How to Sell Your Old Car
24 February 2021

Selling your old car can be quite challenging. It

Qualities of a Genuine Auto Parts Supplier
10 July 2020

There are many things that people put into conside

4 Steps to Make Scrapping Your Car Easier
11 September 2019

When your car reaches the stage where spending mor

Tips for Buying Used Car Parts for First-Time Car Owners
21 February 2018

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics,


4 Questions To Ask Your Auto Wrecker

An auto wrecker is an ideal choice when you need a fast, convenient and environmentally friendly way to dispose of your car. The extract below puts forward a few questions that you should ask your auto wrecker. Hopefully, they will ensure you work with the best wrecker on the market.  1. What Is Your Recycling Policy?  Ideally, you want to work with a wrecker that observes environmentally friendly car removal practices. Read More 

How to Sell Your Old Car

Selling your old car can be quite challenging. It is especially so if the vehicle is not in roadworthy condition. Read this extract for some tips on how to sell your old car.  Selling It to Individual Buyers It is an ideal option if your car has a high demand. For instance, say you own a classic car or a rare sports car. Contact fellow car enthusiasts and advertise your vehicle on car forums. Read More 

Qualities of a Genuine Auto Parts Supplier

There are many things that people put into consideration when purchasing a vehicle. Some of them include the following: the security features, engine size, fuel consumption, comfort and mileage. However, some individuals do not consider the factor of where to get a trustworthy auto parts supplier when buying a car. It is a big mistake because the cost of replacement of spare parts and their availability will determine the longevity of your vehicle. Read More 

4 Steps to Make Scrapping Your Car Easier

When your car reaches the stage where spending more money to repair it would be foolish, scrapping it is the way forward. In addition to freeing yourself from a cumbersome vehicle, you're likely to get some money for your efforts. Before you begin your cash for cars journey, you need to know how to make the process easier. Get a mechanic's opinion Don't just take the opinion of one mechanic. Try calling someone else, and see what they think about performing potential repairs. Read More 

Tips for Buying Used Car Parts for First-Time Car Owners

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more Aussies are still buying new cars despite the fact that wage growth is still low. With more cars finding their way into Australian homes, the need for auto parts has increased accordingly. However, the trend raises the cost of new auto parts; therefore, most car owners opt for used parts as opposed to new ones. If you are a first-time car owner and want to buy a used auto part, you need to be very careful to avoid costly mistakes. Read More